Friday, August 27, 2010

2dae was a hot dae!

wake up early in the morning
coz wanna go tuition center
help mr.wong clean up his tuition center nia
coz he gt a 20th anniversarry on 31th of august
so we go help help xia :D!

so free at thr
king gai wif fren
me n frens just tidy up the books
n then ntg do lerh :P
standing thr being a model==

about 1.30 sumthing
go play badminton wif frens nia
teehee :)
go keep keep fit xD
we borrow sum1 bicycle cycle to 7-11
yt~becareful yar next time :)!
n meet sum primary's fren

quite fun :D
hav a grand time at thr :)

2mr goin to watch battlegorund audition
bwahahas :D!
i'm lovin it

holidae cumin <3!

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